Friday, August 27, 2010

More stuff

Hello everyone, time for another update on life in youth ministry! Things have been going very well. Our numbers are growing, the youth are asking intelligent questions (which show they're listening/thinking/alive), and there's a great chance that we will get a large grant from the united methodist church. I already told you how busy the summer was, but now school has started back up. As crazy as it sounds, I think it will be good for our youth group.

I also had another training seminar in minnesota. It was two weeks long and was hosted at a camp called wilderness north. It's a great place for that sort of thing. It's away from civilization for starters. There were literally dirt roads that turned off of the highway we used to get there. No electricity either, except in the lodge. So, I roughed it for two weeks and ended up learning alot. The training itself was excellent and really helped me with alot of the problems I'm facing. I wont go into them, but I came back with a giant solution to a giant problem that was festering.

Also, on a sad note, I have no more ferrets. I sold them all. I did enjoy having them, but they were too much responsibility. Furthermore, they never really showed emotion. I mean, I was gone for about two weeks, and when I came home, they didn't behave any differently or looked excited to see me. In fact, they don't really show emotion at all other than curiosity and super high energy. So, I took out an ad in the paper and they sold within a few hours! I also had stanely steamers clean the ferret room. It looks and smells so much better. I'm going to turn the ferret room into a guest bedroom as soon, but I can't do that until I get my tax rebate. That's right, the first time I ever did my taxes on my own, I got audited. FAIL. It's going to be a HUGE sum of money too, since I bought a house in 2009. Anyway, once I get my rebate, I'm going to buy a king size tempurpedic bed and put my current bed in the former ferret room. I'm excited to have a bed like that. I think I have restless leg syndrome and I hope it will help. It also takes me at least an hour to fall asleep every night. It should be great

Other than that, life is good. God continues to bless me financially.

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