Monday, September 28, 2009

Moved in!

Hello everybody. This weekend has been a busy one and today is the first chance I've had to update the blog. Lemme give you an update of what has been happening. Most of last week was spent doing lazing packing. You know what I mean, when there isn't really a rush, so not alot of packing gets done. I started seriously packing on thursday. I loaded everything I could into my mom's minivan and my small toyota camry. Then on friday, I went and rented a Uhaul truck. It was 17' long and I thought that would be plenty, but it turned out to be barely big enough.

See, my parents had recently moved into a smaller house. Thus, they had alot of extra stuff that they gave to me. So, we filled up 1 uhaul truck, a minivan, and my camry. During the pack up at home, we had one person come and help us. It was a guy from my church and he was really helpful. However, it did take all day to get packed up and ready to leave. That was friday.

On saturday, we tried to leave at 8:00, but it took until 8:45 to get on the road. 4 hours later, we arrived at wheelersburg. As we pulled into the street, we saw welcome signs in the yard and over a dozen people ready to help me unpack. It was great! We completely unloaded all my stuff in 30 mins! I took some pictures of the place, but I can't get them into the computer yet. I'll keep working on that. That's all for now. I'm currently at the Wheelersburg church, since I don't have internet or cable yet. That is going to be installed on friday.

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