Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week three

So, tomorrow will be my third youth group meeting. I've technically been here for 5 sundays, but had two pre-planned events when I first arrived. I've already learned a lot about this whole youth pastor thing, but I have a long way to go. I began by giving a straight up lecture on the first night. It was probablly too much for the youth, since it was 30 mins long. I did get a little bit of interaction with them by asking them for the 10 commandments, but I quickly noticed that these youth needed something different than school on sunday night. So, at my 2nd meeting, I sat in the couches with them and talked with them. I asked some more questions than the first night, but there still wasnt a discussion. I think discussions are where a lot of progress can happen, so this sunday, we're having small group. We're all going to get our Bbiles out and read through a passage of Scripture. Then, we'll talk about it. I have a direction I want the discussion to go, but I am going to back off and let them work through the Word. I think it's a lot better that way and it also helps me to get to know them better.

That's also another thing I need to work on: being their friend. I don't expect to be their best friend, but I know I can do better. I just went to my first sporting event. It was a football game and was actually pretty fun to watch. I'm starting to try to make all of their games. That's one good way to befriend them, but we're also starting to plan events. This is where the pastors can help out. Between the 4 of us, there's no shortage of ideas and leads, I just need to grab their ideas and run with them. However, I am happy with the progress the youth group has made, I just need to make sure that we keep going.

I'm in the process of forming a youth praise band. I already have a 3 people who can help me with it. One plays both bass and guitar, another just guitar, and the third is on drums. So, if I play the piano, all we need are vocals. So, we're pretty close to having a praise band, and that instantly limits us on our location. Wheelersburg church has the ideal location for a praise band to perform, but the Sciotoville pastor wants me to have youthgroup at his church sometimes too. So, I don't really know how to deal with it. To have youth group there, I have to take over a large room that is not geared towards youth at all. I'd have to redecorate, bring in seating, a sound system, etc. This is all the more reason why we need our own building to have youth group in. More on that later

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